Saturday, April 03, 2010

Brownies with Colby

My Colby loves brownies and well as Sean. It appears to becoming a tradition to bake brownies every time Sean comes over. I asked the boys (Sean, Colby and Austin) what treat they wanted one day and they all answered with a definitive....BROWNIES. Colby volunteered right off to help stir. I am not sure if he was waiting for the spoon or to accidentally stick his finger in the bowl.
"Mommy this is really good"
"See I licked it all gone!"
"I need to stir a little more"
"Are they ready to eat now?"
It took a lot of patience for him to wait for the brownies to actually bake in the oven but they all felt it was well worth the wait when they were eating warm brownies that afternoon.
Thanks Colby for all your help.

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