Sunday, December 27, 2009

School Program for lil shepherds

The boys had their school Christmas Program at the local library. We were told they were to dress like shepherds and because I do not sew I ordered two costumes. As luck would have it they did not come in for the program. The program started at 5:00, I picked the boys up at 4:00 and headed home to come up with two costumes and be back at the library by 4:45.
So I grabbed two Army brown t-shirts, a pillow case, rope and two of Natalie's headbands and got to work. I would say they were done in less than 15 minutes and turned out pretty good if I say so myself.
The boys were so excited to see Santa. It was healthy Santa who gave all the kids an orange. I didn't think we were ever going to get to leave because Austin kept wanting to talk to him. As we were leaving Austin told me to wait, he had to tell Santa a secret. I asked what he told Santa and he told me "No, it's only for Santa".
We all headed out to the car to leave and Santa was walking with us. I started to get worried knowing he had to go get in a car. Sean and I were putting the boys in the car when Santa hid behind a tree. Austin started looking and said "Mommy, Santa is gone, it's pure magic".
We totally enjoyed the performance. It was all in Spanish so we are not sure we understood everything that was said. The boys still sing their songs around the house.

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