Sunday, May 20, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday.....our precious lil miracles

Wow! Can you believe Colby and Austin are one year old today. My gosh, where has a year gone? I am so afraid I am getting ready to look up and they will be heading off to college. We had our family dedication at church today. It was great. Pat did an awesome testimony on how God and the power of prayer has touched our lives. It was a proud Momma moment for me to stand up there with my family and know that this is God's plan for me. I wouldn't change it for a moment.

Our lives have been a roller coaster this past year but with the support of family, friends and Southeast Baptist we made it. I wish all of you could have heard Pat speak today. It was very touching and I am very proud of him. He's a great husband and father and I am so thankful to have him. I will say there many tears in the congregation which shows me those were the ones praying for us when times were tough and those tears were seeing the power of their prayer.

As always Pat did manage to make everyone laugh too. I think he told the whole church that Jen called Carla to tell her I had delivered the boys and Carla said, "have you called Pat" to that Jen said oh no, don't tell anyone I called you first. Oh and I don't think he holds a grudge, but he loves bringing it up.

Our Utah Family, the Kellers, the Fontenots, Jen and Jefferson and Abby

We had a wonderful party for the boys. We had a house full and the boys were so good. They weren't wild about their cake. Austin didn't seem to like getting his hands dirty. They finally tasted it after I helped put their hands in it. They did love all their gifts.

They got a lil red wagon from Granny, Grampy, Aunt Alina and Uncle Jason and we filled it with all their gifts and they just kept crawling over and looking. I think they were a little overwhelmed but they handled it great and didn't have a melt down. Here are some snapshots from the party. I'll have a lot more thanks to our photographers, Heather and Nathan.

Happy Birthday Colby and Austin! I love you so much and look forward to many many more birthdays with you.


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