Thursday, September 01, 2011

What to do at Lake Powell.....

This is one trip our whole family looked forward to all summer. Some people ask, so what do you do at Lake Powell for a week....well the O'Learys have fun! We headed out to Lake Powell with our friend the Montrones and another family for a wonderful, relaxing week on the houseboat. It's so nice because there is something for everyone. The weather was perfect and we could not have had a better time.

Sean is quite good at wake boarding therefore he is always trying something new. He got the turning a 360 circle down and Colby and Austin thought he was so cool.
Sean also continued to practice on his slalom ski and is doing very well. He started feeling more comfortable cutting back and forth across the wake.Of course mom still had to show him how to really do it. Knee brace and all.This the top of the houseboat where Sean and Trevor would jump from.
My lil guys had fun on the slide.
Austin wasn't real sure about it the first time as you can see by his facial expression but once he did it once he was non stop.
Sean always trying something different.
Just some pictures of Sean skiing.Now Pat with his new expensive knee brace got out to show he still has it. He did very well and all the boys loved watching him.
And now for the big moment. Colby skiing. We could not get Austin to try and after working with Colby we were all tired so it was probably best.
Mom giving the pep talk about how well he was going to do and all he has to do is stand up.
All smiles before skiing....not a lot of smiles afterwards though.
Most days in one of the coves you would find Pat throwing the football with Trevor and Sean
Austin loved just floating around exploring
The boys were so good in the boat and loved taking turns being Daddy's co-captain. So many wonder what we do, well hopefully that gives you a brief idea of how much fun we have. Stay tuned for our next update on the rest of our fun.

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