Friday, December 17, 2010

Trick or Treat

Watch out, it's the toughest superheroes you've ever seen.
I wasn't allowed to pick costumes this year or I of course would have picked pairs. I just think it's so cute but the boys were not having it. They have a mind of their own and I learning to appreciate it and support it. It's tough seeing them grow up and become so independent, but it also makes me proud of my lil guys. Halloween was a lil let down this year, as it was pouring down rain, hailing and strong winds made for very short trick or treating for our family.

We did manage to catch a short break in the weather and headed out to knock on some doors. After the boys had gotten more than enough candy we stopped by friends' house for some drinks and more candy for the boys.
Colby made it Austin's job to ring the doorbell or knock on the door.
I couldn't believe how much candy they got but more importantly I'm was just happy to see a smile on their face and to have Daddy out with us. Because it was raining so bad, Daddy drove the car and I walked the boys up to the door. We only had one house that scared Colby. It was a half man/half horse and Colby froze in place. He couldn't say anything so Austin did the talking. After the man closed the door, Colby said "well that was the scariest thing I have ever seen". Colby told everyone about the man all night and it just made me smile. I love seeing the world and holidays through the eyes of a child. That is why I cannot wait for Christmas.

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