Friday, April 14, 2006

O'Leary Family

O'Leary Family

Hey everyone!

All is well here in Utah. The kids are on spring break this week in Idaho and Wyoming. From what they say they aren't doing much but I hope they are at least resting and getting ready for the rest of the school year.

Speaking of school year, mine is coming to a close. I give finals next week and graduation and commissioning ceremonies are the 28th. Next week will be busy for me with sitting on three senior thesis defense committees and grading finals and posting grades. My students have all done well and are ready to move on to the future. Some will go active duty Army and some will stay National Guard. I am very proud of all of them.

I just have to tell you about Natalie's play. She was wonderful. There is no way at 12 I would have gotten up on stage and performed like that. Pat and I had tears in our eyes during the whole play out of pure proudness. Ok not sure that is really a word but sounds good to me. Of course Annie is a musical so she had lots of singing to do and has such a beautiful voice. She loves drama and is already talking about trying out for Jr. High drama next year. I can't believe she is moving into Jr. High next year. She'll be in the 7th and is she is just growing up too fast. If I can ever figure out how to attach photos to my updates I'll attach a photo of Natalie as Annie. She has had one soccer game but Pat and I didn't know about it so hopefully we'll be able to see her at her next one.

Sean is still Sean. Sweet as can be and loves the spring weather we are finally starting to get. He played outside last weekend until 8:30pm and couldn't understand why he had to come in then. He even got a little sunburned. He loves playing outside whether it's sports, riding his bike, jumping on the trampoline. Heck, we even had him helping work in the yard a little. Once we get ready to plant flowers he is my hole digger. I just put a X where I want him to dig and he goes to town. He is growing up quick too and his math and reading would totally impress you.

Lyndsey is still thrilled about cheerleading and is going off to cheerleading camp this summer. It's only about 2 hrs north of here but that will be big time for her. She did come last weekend and had a nice time. Not saying everything went smoothly but for the most part it did.

Pat is busy, busy, busy. He should close on this first house next week. I am so proud of him. He would want me to type that if you know anyone getting ready to move anywhere that wants to buy or rent send him their name and number. He is part of a referral program and can help anyone, anywhere find a good agent to help them get settled. There, that's my sale pitch for today.

The boys are doing great and really learning to kick these days. Pat says they are practicing their football moves, which is fine I just wish they didn't have to do it at 2:30 AM. I go for another doctor appointment the 20th and the next week we'll have another ultrasound done. I feel pretty good these days but I can tell I can't go and do like I use too. I get tired way too easy and out of breath on one flight of stairs. I've gained about 22 lbs but it seems to be all baby. (isn't that what all women say).

Pat and I have been super busy in our nursery. We have both beds up, the glider and dresser are in place and we are just waiting on the chest to come in. I am going to do some painting on the walls but I want all the furniture in place first. I thought I had everything set up the way I wanted it until last night and we rearranged the whole room again and now I like it even better. The room just fills up quick with double the stuff.

We have my military ball tonight at BYU, and I wish I could get excited about it but I can't. It's just one of those nights we have to endure for the job. We'll be lucky if they serve us something other than water. You can bet there won't be ANY caffeine and all the girls have to wear modest formals, which means they must have some sort of sleeve. It's just too funny.

Well, we hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend and stay away from the brown eggs in the yard as Sean would say, they are not the ones you want in your basket.


Alexa, Pat and family

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