My doctor told me to stay in bed and hopefully we could get another couple of weeks for the boys as I was only 28 weeks at that time. So my plan was to make it to 30 weeks, I guess I just forgot to tell the boys the plan.
On Sunday May 21st, Pat, Natalie and Sean had been up to visit for the afternoon along with a few friends and they had all left for the night. I had decided to just watch a movie when two of our other friends stopped by for a visit. It was about 6:55 pm when I thought I had a contraction but I wasn't sure so I didn't say anything. At 7:00pm I had another one so I buzzed my nurse and asked her to hook me up to the machine that tracks their heart rates and my contractions. She told me I didn't need that but I continued to have another contraction. I told her I really wanted the machine and she left the room. She brought back a piece of paper and told me to just count the contractions over the next hour. I couldn't believe she was telling me this. I asked her, "are you serious, I am 28 weeks pregnant with twins, 2 cm dilated, 100% effaced, my water had broken and you want me to do tick marks for an hour"? She said yes, so we asked her if that was my doctor's orders or hers and of course she said the doctors. I also told her in an hour I could be in full labor or have that she answered, "honey is doesn't work like that".
So I asked to see the charge nurse. I guess the two nurses were out discussing this situation when a doctor who was not mine came in and said she wanted to do an exam. She did the exam and immediately said "we have a cord, call the OR stat". Needless to say I was very upset especially because Pat wasn't there. They got me ready for transport in a couple of minutes and the time was 7:35pm. The doctor rode on my bed with me holding Colby's head off the cord. It was just like on TV they were running down the hallway to get me to the OR. Once in the OR, it was crazy. They were trying to move me to the operating table while she still held the head, they were running around shouting things and all I could do was cry. They put the sheets up, mask on my face, strapped my arms and legs down and poured the dye over my belly. I heard the Dr. say she was ready to cut but I was wide awake and the anesthesiologist said, wait we have the line in but not the meds. The last thing I thought was "God help me" and I was out.Our little angels, Colby Gregson O'Leary 2.5 lbs and 14.5 inches long and Austin Thomas O'Leary 2.13 lbs and 15 3/4 inches long were born at 7:52 at 28.6 weeks gestation. They got both of them out within a minute. Our little Colby would not be here if it weren't for that doctor who decided to just do an exam. Pat was 10 minutes out from the hospital when he got the call from our friend that he was a daddy. Recovery was very hard for me because they had not given me anything for pain. They gave me enough medicine to put to sleep so I wouldn't remember what happened. Needless to say they could not get the morphine started quick enough. Pat, Natalie and Sean got to see the boys about an hour after they were born. I was taken by bed into the NICU but I don't remember that trip.
They have been on a roller coaster ride but are still stable. We spend every minute possible up there with them. We can't wait for the day we get to bring them home. Our prediction is the end of July or beginning of Aug. Though our boys are fighters so it could be even earlier. Well I hope to be able to keep this updated as we continue our journey.
Pat and Alexa and family