Friday, October 22, 2010

Funnies by Colby and Austin

There are many days that my boys have me in stitches laughing. Some days it's laugh or cry but I wanted to make sure they have some of the funnies to read one day to their kids.

So let's begin.

Mom's in the bedroom cleaning up and Austin comes in holding out his hand.
Austin: Mom here.
Mom not looking: sticks her hand out and says what is it
Austin as he puts it in Mom's hand says: "Smell it"
Mom yells: Ughhhhh what is this?
Austin: Poop
Mom: whose poop?
Austin: Colby's
Mom: What are you doing with Colby's poop
Austin: It was on the floor so I wanted to show you.
Mom gagging severely runs to the bathroom, flushes poop, cleans and sanitizes mom and Austin until hands are red and raw.

Mom goes to find Colby who was on the toilet in the bathroom pooping. Apparently on the way to the bathroom a piece fell out of his underwear so Austin wanted to make sure I knew about it.

Austin and Colby arguing in the kitchen.

Austin to Colby: stop bothering me
Colby: No
Austin: then I am not going to talk to you
Colby: really
Austin: I am not going to talk to you, until, until, until Christmas!
Colby: ok

Mom: Oh I wish that might be true but I bet he talks to you in less than 5 minutes.

Austin getting picked up from school:

Mom: Did you have a good day?
Austin: Yes
Mom: Did you get in trouble today?
Austin: Yes
Mom: What did you do?
Austin: Well I was trying to learn about private parts in the book and Lilo came over laughing and made me laugh too.
Mom: Well that's not nice. What private parts were you learning about?
Austin: The boobies and bum bums because I need to learn about those in the book at school.
Mom: Tomorrow why don't you pick a different book about animals.
Austin: ok but I was really trying to learn about the private parts.

I had him tell Pat about getting in trouble:
Pat: That's my boy!

Gosh I love having boys but what a handful.

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