Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Father's Day

So I have no idea why Austin wouldnt' look but he was bound and determined not too!
All my boys!

We had such a great Father's day yesterday. We took Pat to brunch with our friends John and Carla and then we headed to church. The boys and I ended up in the nursery just because they were so interested in being quiet.

John, these photos are especially for you!
After a good nap we took Pat to the zoo to the see the white alligator. It's on loan from another zoo for the summer. They have only spotted male white alligators. This alligator isn’t albino; he’s leucistic, and purely white in color with dazzling blue eyes. Eastern mythology says these creatures are symbols of extremely good luck. Legend has it that anyone gazing into the blue eyes of the rare white alligator will be blessed with good luck for the coming year, and prosperity will surely follow. There are only ten of these white gators in the entire world.

Here are some photos of the white alligator. It's really neat and worth seeing if you live in Utah or near a zoo that has one. It almost looked fake it was so white.

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